The Body Image Myth

SummerBody Image, Self-Love

Last week I told you about how long it takes to embody self-love and some of the things I learned along the way. Today I want to tell you about one of the false beliefs that might be stomping on your self-loving mojo.


There is a misconception that having good body image will turn your life into front row seats at the premier screening of Magic Mike XXL… in other words, one big orgasm of joy.


That being cool with your muffin top will be the solution to all of life’s troubles. That giving zero F’s at the beach in your bikini is everything you need for inner peace.


While self-love and breaking free of food obsessions is euphoric and gratifying, it can also strip tease away areas of emptiness that need some attention.


This is a common setback I like to call: The Reality Shitshow Exposé..


The condition that occurs when you remove the veil of body-hate and expose negative emotions and parts of your life that you’ve tuned out with the chatter in your head.


Not liking your body and controlling your food are often coping mechanisms. They can be a form of escape or distraction, preventing you from facing pieces of your reality that are potentially harder or more fearful to deal with. A job that makes you want to bash your face with a keyboard, a relationship that has less spark than a campfire in a monsoon, having to finally take responsibility for the chaos you’ve created by being so tied to your to-do list that your idea of fun sounds like cleaning out the tupperware drawer.


When you do body image work and hop off the diet cycle, it tends to peel back layers and reveal feelings you were suppressing by obsessing over your thighs and whether or not you can justify French Toast at brunch.


Things like boredom, loneliness, anxiety, stress, overwhelm, sadness and fear.


self love


For me, it exposed areas of my life where I wasn’t aligned to my values and an unhealthy relationship with work and control. Because food and fitness no longer defined me, I had to play around and get comfortable with being unapologetically me.


Instead of seeing this as a detriment, see it as a gift.


It’s opened you up towards revealing different areas of your life that you can start to nurture and grow. To discover what truly makes your mojo rock.


If it reveals boredom, what can you start to do for play?

If it reveals loneliness, how can you expand your social network?

If it reveals stress, what do you need to do to reduce the chaos?


It’s often scary and uncomfortable to face these things, so instead of being fearful, accept this as the gift of what you need to do to make magic happen.


This is your opportunity to step into your future badass self that you desire to be. Jump into it with an attitude of curiosity and playfulness and you have nothing to lose.


