I teach people all over the world
Who are done with dieting how to stop letting their body size dictate their happiness and start firing up their life.
You can live a life that doesn’t revolve around your body size and experience the freedom of being your untamed, unapologetic self no matter what you look like.
Here’s all the Ways we Can Work Together
You, On Fire is the 12-week online program for women who are ready to do the deep inner work to feel fiery, free and full of rampant untameability in their skin.
You, On Fire gives you a step-by-step way of building up self-worth beyond your jean size with personalized coaching from me and a supportive community of women, championing you to shake that self-hate off your shoulders and experience the freedom to wear, do and say what you want.
This is my VIP one-on-one body image program that has helped countless women reinvent the way they feel about themselves and eat food effortlessly.
This is perfect if you prefer individualized support and accountability and are ready to dig deep to radically change the way you feel about food and your body, so you can start caring about things that actually matter.

This is the certification program with myself and Danni “Amapoundcake” Adams for professionals wishing to upgrade their skills.
This 5-month group certification is for anti-diet/fat positive RD’s, nutritionists, IE counsellors, therapists, coaches, personal trainers and other providers to learn tools and frameworks through a social justice lens so you can confidently help clients improve their body image.