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You on Fire

Because self-worth doesnt have a size.

Enrollment opens soon!

BREAK out of the diet culture cage.

Get FREE from body shame.

LIVE life on your own terms.

For women who want to know they are good enough beyond their jean size.

You, On Fire is the life-changing coaching program that gives you a step-by-step way of building up self-worth beyond your jean size, including live coaching calls, lifetime access, an incredible community with 24/7 support and so much more.

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Imagine if the numbers on your scale and the size of your jeans no longer held you prisoner.

Imagine if you could:

Buy that fitted dress you’ve been eyeing because you think it’s fierce as hell

Go on a beach vacation, rocking a bikini, because who cares!?

Ask your partner for help with the chores because you don’t settle for putting yourself last anymore

Sign up for that 5K and be ok if you come in last place because you finally did something you’ve always wanted to try

Skip the gym to watch The Bachelor and eat Oreos because maybe you just need some couch time

Get it on—lights and all—because it makes you feel like a sexy beast

Ask for a raise because you kick some serious ass at your job and you know you’re worth it

Post an unfiltered photo on Instagram because you simply don’t care about what other people think

Try stand-up-paddle-boarding because you’re comfortable rocking your uncool and uncoordinated self

Take that hiking trip you’ve been dreaming about for years because life is waaay too short to wait until you’re in “good enough shape.”

And what if you could get out of the cage and get untamed TODAY

not “when the weight comes off?”

Just think:
You’d be free

of The Soul Sucker that is diet culture and the way you feel about yourself wouldn’t be measured by the number on the scale, the food you eat or some ridiculous “ideal.”

You wouldn’t care about what other people think of you because you’d know you’re a bold, brilliant, and fiercely passionate untamed woman who can DO and SAY anything.

And you’d have sooo much more energy to focus on the things that will truly ignite your inner flame and fuel your life and future.


You already ARE that fiery, untamed woman you want to be.

You just need to fan the flames and You, On Fire can show you how.

Get on the waitlist >

Show me some jazz hands if you’re so over feeling like

You’re a failure, not confident, unattractive or unlovable.

(Because ALL you see on buses, social media, TV and magazine covers are size two’s with doll tits, glazed donut skin and shellac manis who look like they walked off the set of The Bachelor).

You can’t break the attachment and longing for your former “before” body.

You’re ready to move the hell on from thinking “if only I could go back to that time when I was thinner, I promise I’ll appreciate it!” F that noise.

You don’t like the way you look

You’re ready for the mirror-avoiding, tummy-pinching, photo-untagging, shame-spiraling and perfection-chasing to END already.

You let other people’s opinions and your weight dictate every aspect of your life.

How does your shitty scale get to measure your self-worth, since when does your body define WHO you are, and why is anyone’s opinion of you allowed to matter?

Nothing you do is ever good enough.

Because apparently if you reach society’s “ideal”, your house will one-up Martha Stewart, Channing Tatum will realize you’re his soulmate, people will mistake you for Gisele when you’re running errands, you’ll never feel unhappy or insecure again, and you’ll be doing money-throws on yachts with Rihanna.

If this sounds like you, it is not your fault!

I’ve seen way too many women fall victim to the belief that being smaller, punishing, restricting and depriving ourselves will lead to self-worth and fulfillment.

We believe in the fantasy that our lives would be better if we just weighed less. We get hooked on chasing that bangin’ bod we think will solve all our problems.

But believe it or not, body shame has NOTHING to do with our bodies and EVERYTHING to do with our culture and the messages it has drilled into our heads.

And this is exactly why I created You, On Fire.

So you say goodbye to “bad body days” and feel on fire like THIS instead (click play!):

live a life that doesn’t revolve around your body size

Experience the freedom of being your untamed, unapologetic self no matter what you look like.

Get on the waitlist >
Headshot of Chloe
“You, On Fire encouraged me to peel back the layers and challenge the causes behind my crappy body image.

It helped me embrace who I really am and start to believe I’m enough, just as I am, in this body, right now. That nagging inner critic has been turned right down.

This process has been transformational!”Chloe

“It’s like a miracle!

I’m not so hooked on the mirror anymore. I feel like the life I was waiting to live once I got the external conditions right is finally happening for me now!”

You,On Fire
you’ll learn how to…

Quit Hating Your Body

So you can make mental space for the things that truly fire you up and give you a sense of passion and purpose.

Feel Comfortable In Your Own Skin

So you feel complete and worthy no matter what size you are.

Stop Comparing Yourself To Other Women

So you can appreciate body diversity (including your own), and quit feeling less than every other woman in the room.

Overcome Your Fear Of Weight Gain

So you’re no longer hinging your self-worth on conditional crap you can’t control, because the reality is, your body is going to change over time — and it deserves your love through thick and thin.

Figure Out Who You Really Are And What Makes You So Incredible

(Hint: SO MANY THINGS) now that you’re no longer defined by dieting or your weight.

Master The Art Of Not Giving A Fuck

Because you’re untamed and know that life’s too short to let other people’s opinions rob you of what you want.

Reframe Self-care

So you see it as the necessary fuel for your fire and it feels easy now that words like “motivation” and “I should” are a thing of the past.

Accept Yourself In Pictures

And wink at your reflection in the mirror even on meh or not-so-good days, because your self-worth DOES NOT hinge on your size.

Headshot of Starlett
“I looked at myself in the mirror and said I’m worthy and valuable just as I am. The best part is that I believed it. I can feel the change inside of me and I genuinely believe it…It feels amazing”Starlett
Headshot of Heather
“You, On Fire is a life changing program. Summer is a great coach who helps you get unstuck.

I am in a much healthier mindset about myself, my body, food, and my whole life, than I have ever been in before.”Heather

Headshot of Erin
“You, On Fire changed my life. The class took me on a journey towards a life of really living in and loving my body.

I feel freaking awesome! I don’t want to sound cliche but I feel free!

So much of my mental real-estate and life is freed up because I’ve learned how to live life in the present.

I’ve learned how to love and care for my body in a way that works for ME and I’ve learned to grant myself the permission to be the only expert that I care about in terms of any and all types of self-care.”Erin


You, On Fire is a one-of-a-kind experience, like nothing else out there.

That will teach you exactly what you need to do to feel better in your body and know you’re good enough, regardless of how you look.

EVEN IF… you feel you “you can’t accept this body.” Because, the truth is you have nothing to lose by being more compassionate and loving to yourself.

EVEN IF… you feel like you’re “giving up” (newsflash: learning to treat your whole self with respect and kindness is literally the opposite of giving up!)

EVEN IF… you’re afraid that this won’t work because you’ve failed diets your entire life. There is no failure in this work… only more resilience, acceptance and FREEDOM.

So if you’re ready to smash the scale, break out of the cage and untame yourself,

then let’s discover
You, On Fire!

Get on the waitlist >
Headshot of Carolyn
“I can’t begin to explain the impact this program has had on my life.

I feel like I have been reborn and know that my future is one of promise, hope, and success.

If you are on the fence about this program jump on in, there is no way you will ever regret it. Well worth EVERY SINGLE PENNY!”Carolyn

Headshot of Courtney
“The self discovery experience during this program was amazing. I learned so much more about myself than I ever could have imagined.

It was an absolute privilege to work with Summer and the other women in the group.”Courtney


We all have a natural resistance to change, lurking inside us, especially when dieting and hating our body has been our way of life for decades.

But, that hasn’t worked. You deserve to do something for your happiness NOW…and let’s face it, you don’t want to be a 65-year-old woman still fretting about your weight, right? You’re gonna be the queen of the bocce ball tournament!

Once you’ve made the commitment, we’ll take it one day at a time, and I’ll be here for you every step of the way. Think about how far you could be in 6 months if you put the effort and intention behind it. Don’t spend another minute hating on yourself. You are worth so much more than that!

Get on the waitlist >
Headshot of Ivy
“I’m doing the thing I want to be doing and not thinking about how I look. I’m just enjoying it.”

“I’m feeling a love for my body that’s beyond my appearance. Appreciating my body from this perspective has been life-changing.”

Headshot of Sam
“It’s liberating. I feel like I can go out and create a life for me based on my terms. I can wear what I want. I can put my time and energy into things that are important to me.”

“It’s created this whole space for me to leave my mark on the world because I’m not spending so much time thinking about my body or what others will think of me.”

Headshot of Jyll
“It feels amazing. It feels like freedom – it feels like being free of those chains that bound me for so long. I’ve lifted that weight. Sometimes I can’t believe I’ve lifted that weight and how long it’s been. It feels really good. It feels like freedom.”
Headshot of Miriam
“I feel like I’m on fire.”

“I feel this anticipation of what’s around the corner and what possibilities are out there for me now. I spent so much time and energy dieting. Now I’m energized. I have room in my life for so many other things.”


Ready to get fiery, get free and live life untamed… BEYOND THE SCALE?

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12 Monthly Payments

$75 USD

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Pay In Full (save $150)

$897 USD

or 3 payments of $299

To be the first to hear about when enrollment will open next, enter your name and email below.

(You’ll also receive instant access to my free Body Confidence Makeover with the first steps to take to get free from body shame.)

Copyright © 2024 Summer Innanen, CNP, BBA | Body Image Coach. All rights reserved. | Disclaimer