If You’re So over dieting
and ready to get free from body shame and live your fiery, free, untamed life, then that’s my cue to enter stage left.
The negative thoughts you have about your body are not your fault. The Soul Sucker™ that is diet culture has us obsessing over fixing ourselves and it’s draining our time and energy.
It’s time to reject those rules, break free of societal standards and put that energy into things that really matter. The things that will actually change your life.
Hi – I’m Summer Innanen, professionally trained coach through the internationally renowned Coaches Training Institute (CTI), specializing in body image, self-worth and confidence, and best-selling author of Body Image Remix.
I’ve also completed The Playing Big Facilitator’s Training where I mastered coaching techniques to help women overcome self-doubt and fear and I’m currently completing my Masters of Counselling specializing in feminist therapy.
Over the past several years, I’ve taught hundreds of people in my private coaching and group programs how to break out of the diet culture cage and cultivate their inner, rampant untameability (YES!!!) so they can wear, say and do what they want.
I’m also the co-teacher of the Body Image Coach Certification program with Danni “Amapoundcake” Adams where we teach other professionals how to support clients with body image struggles through a social justice lens.
Changing the way you feel about your body isn’t about “liking the way you look.”
It’s about transforming the way you see yourself and igniting your hope, your power and shifting your outlook on life.
You see, so many women are done with prison cage of dieting, but they continue to fear that if they really broke out of the diet cage and stopped playing by the rules, they will be miserable.
This is not your fault!
The Soul Sucker™ that is diet culture takes away our power. It makes us spend WAY too much time thinking about our body. It teaches us to constantly compare ourselves to other women and makes our reflection dictate our mood and actions.
It subtly depletes our time and energy by convincing us that it’s normal to obsess over whether we ate too much, finding the right super-food to solve our life’s problems and how our waist looks in an outfit.
We’ve got to free ourselves by rejecting the rules and reclaiming our power.
Because you don’t want to be a 70-year-old woman still fretting about your weight, right? You want to be the queen of the bocce ball tournament!
I know this because I, too, struggled with body shame and confidence for decades.
In fact, growing up, I don’t remember a single time when I felt good in my body and that shame quickly spiralled into an obsession with dieting in an effort to “lose the weight once and for all” which would occupy more than half of my life.
Even when I was at my thinnest, I still hated my body.
It wasn’t until I experienced a complete hormonal breakdown at the age of 32, brought on by my fixation with weight, dieting and exercise, that I had my wake-up call moment and knew that I needed to stop trying to makeover my plate and start making over what was going on inside my head.
So I smashed my scale, started eating like a grown-ass woman and spent years working on getting to know who I was beyond the size of my body.
The result was my weight finally stabilized to where it was MEANT to be, and nowadays, eating is effortless and easy, and I now have a deep-rooted belief that I AM worthy and enough, exactly as I am.
Here is the truth
The negative thoughts you have are not the truth – they are culturally programmed and you have the power to free yourself from them.
The mark you leave on this world has nothing to do with the way you look and what you will be remembered for is the fire that burns in your soul.
When you liberate yourself from the belief that your worthiness is conditional on the way you look, you open yourself up to fully experiencing life.
You are not a problem to be fixed.
You heard the saying “you’re more than your body,” but I want you to really BELIEVE that for yourself.
My hope is to create a revolution, where we appreciate body diversity, redefine beauty and reject “ideals.” Because only then can we overcome compare and despair syndrome for good, and quit feeling less than every other person in the room.
I know it’s possible for you to…
…Free yourself of societal standards, toxic thoughts and reclaim your time and energy.
…See that you are a beautiful human with thoughts, feelings, passion and grit.
…Know that the mark you leave on this world is not from how “attractive” you are, but the fire in your soul.
…Stop letting fear hold you back from living your fullest, most badass life.
Ready to break out of the cage and be a little more untamed?
Here’s your next move
Get the free Body Confidence Makeover
A 10-Day Plan to Help You Feel Comfortable In Your Body And Release Your Inner Badass.

When I’m not smashing scales and going on feminist rants about beauty standards,
you can find me introverting out at home with my husband and our little boy, going to the beach, being weird, rocking out to 80’s music and leaving no ice cream shop unvisited.
Come hang out with me on my podcast Eat The Rules!