Movement Series: This is another instalment of the movement series where I’m with Jenna Jozefowski, certified personal trainer and kettlebell instructor, as well as yoga teacher, dance teacher, and semi-retired professional dancer. We talk about how to approach body positive strength training, why not all movement needs to be joyful, how to know what fitness advice is meant for you, and other red flags to look for when seeking out fitness support.
ETR 210: Movement Series: Body Positive Yoga with BK Yoga
Movement Series: This is another instalment of the movement series where I’m joined by Alicia Ferguson and Paris Alexandra of BK Yoga Club, the first Black women owned body positive yoga studio in the US. We’re talking about how yoga helped them cultivate a better relationship with their bodies, how it can be used to practice compassion and acceptance, why they saw a need for a body positive yoga studio, and how they are doing things differently.
ETR 209: Movement Series: Intuitive Movement with Michelle Vina-Baltsas
Movement Series: This is another instalment of the movement series where I’m joined by Michelle Vina-Baltsas, professionally trained coach and certified intuitive eating counselor. We’re talking about intuitive movement – what it is, how to overcome exercise resistance, the importance of movement as we age, and how to get started with intuitive movement in mid-life.
ETR 208: Movement Series: Body Positive Fitness – with Jenna Doak
Movement Series: This is another instalment of the movement series where I’m joined by Jenna Doak, co-owner and head trainer at Body Positive Fitness. We’re talking about why she started Body Positive Fitness, her journey away from toxic fitness culture, and how to get over all or nothing thinking to help you have a better relationship to movement.
The Body Image Series
The Body Image Series is a podcast series for people who are looking for concrete ways to feel better in their body and divest their self-worth from their appearance. I’ll be covering topics such as how we can build our … Read More