Announcing a very special way to work with me: The Body Image Breakthrough Session
If you’ve checked out any of my coaching options before, you’ll notice they are 3-4 months long because there is a lot to unpack when we’re undoing years of societal conditioning.
Recently, I’ve been feeling called to offer something more accessible. That’s why I’ve decided to offer one-time 45-minute private sessions for $97 (over 50% off my normal private rate).
The Body Image Breakthrough Session: An intensive 45-minute session to help you break down your biggest body acceptance barrier and receive customized action steps to help you stop being so damn hard on yourself.
This is for you if:
…you’re done with dieting and being sold weight loss as the “all-mighty-solution-to-all-of-life’s-problems”, but now you’re like, mmmmm, K… what do I do now?
In this session, I’ll tell you exactly what your next steps need to be to work towards living a life free of weight and food obsession.
It can be hard to figure this out on your own and that’s why I’d love to be in your corner to help you feel excited about the possibilities that lie ahead in a post-dieting world (because it really is awesome).
This is also for you if:
…You’ve been doing this work for a while, feel neutral in your body sometimes, but you feel stuck and want help knowing how to slay that remaining doubt.
I’ll help you shake-shit-up to feel better about yourself. If you want a defibrillator for your confidence, I’m your coach.
To be honest, some of the most memorable lessons I’ve learned from coaches have happened in one-time sessions. So, we may not get you “there” (which is fine since that doesn’t exist anyways), but you will get one holy-powerful transformative session.
Investment: $97
Here is how it works:
Sign-up here>>
You’ll get an email with the next steps, including 3 questions to help you make the most out of our time together.
We meet at our selected time and I bring my professional coaching superpowers (which I’ve been told are “amaze-balls”) and years of experience working with hundreds of women like you, to help you feel excited about what you need to do to feel better in your body.
Got questions? Email me summer(@)summerinnanen.com