ETR 241: Do you have Superwoman Syndrome? (Body Image Series)
In this episode of Eat the Rules, it’s the body image series and I’m taking a deep dive into Superwoman syndrome – if you struggle with trying to do it all and be it all, then you won’t want to … Read More
ETR 240: Season 8 begins – personal update + fav episodes
This is the season 8 premiere of Eat the Rules, and I’m talking about how I feel after my hysterectomy and how my recovery from surgery + a social media break reminded me of what it was like when I … Read More
ETR 237: Body Image Coach Certification program experience with Danni “Amapoundcake” Adams
Danni “Amapoundcake” Adams and I are together reflecting on our first time teaching the Body Image Coach Certification program. We share what we enjoyed most about teaching professionals, our favourite aspects of the program, and catch up with some of our students to share their experience.
ETR 235: Believing You Are Good Enough (Revisited) (Body Image Series)
In this best of episode, I’m revisiting the body image series and talking about what gets in the way of believing that we’re good enough, how to build self-worth, and why it’s so damn important towards knowing you’re good enough as you are.
ETR 234: Intuitive Eating & Body Image (Revisited) (Body Image Series)
In this best of episode, I’m revisiting the second episode in the body image series and talking about the relationship between our body image and our ability to eat intuitively and the 5 ways that we can use body image work to help you to heal your relationship with food. Don’t forget to grab your free worksheet – Eat Like A Grown-Ass Adult – 4 prompts to inspire you to live your life without diets.