Rock Your Body Success: Mindy’s Story

SummerBody Image, Self-Esteem, Self-Love

It was a year ago that a client of mine, Mindy, was feeling frustrated and unhappy with her body. She had an awesome career, was happily married and had done a bunch of work to heal her relationship with food…and yet, her self-worth was still dependent on her size.


She’d put things off, like buying new clothes or wearing a bathing suit on a vacation with her husband, because she didn’t feel confident in her body. She was living in a state of “I’ll be happier when…” (I lose weight, fit into those jeans etc. etc.). Her freedom was conditional on her size. We’ve all been there.


Fast forward one year later and Mindy is doing things she never thought she’d be able to do. She felt amazing performing on stage for the first time in years and wasn’t worried about what she looked like. She buys clothes that make her feel good and wore a bathing suit on vacation with her husband.


She recently told me, “I feel so much better in my body and know that I don’t need to be a certain size to enjoy my life!” Yeah girl!


Mindy is one of the inspirational women who did Rock Your Body last year and the reason I’m sharing her story with you today is simple: I want you to ditch the myths that have been shoved down your throat over the years—about size, appearance and your happiness and worth as a woman.


I want you to know that there IS a better way to feel confident in your skin, and my 12-week Rock Your Body coaching program can help you do just that.


Mindy and I got together for a jam session to see where she’s at one year after doing Rock Your Body.




Enrollment for Rock Your Body is open until Friday April 1st at midnight and we’ll be officially kicking things off on Monday April 4th. To enroll and for full program deets shimmy over here>>>


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Be Smashing!