5 Habits That Sabotage Your Self-Confidence

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5 Habits That Prevent You From Cultivating Self-Confidence – this post was created for the Paleo For Women community.


One of the most important habits to grow your self-confidence is changing your self-talk. We do this by censoring the negative criticisms that we so often slander ourselves with, both consciously and subconsciously. However, these negative criticisms can manifest in ways that you may not be aware of.


In our culture, it’s perfectly acceptable to defame yourself in front of others. In fact, it seems totally normal to say something like, “I’m so fat”. However, if you say something like, “I look sexy in this swimsuit”, you are considered conceited or a bitch. It’s no wonder we are so quick to put ourselves down.


The first step to changing your self-talk is by being aware of when you say these things and eliminating negative statements from your internal and external dialogue.


Statements such as “I’m so stupid” or “I look so gross in this outfit” are harsh words of self-hate. When you stop saying them, you begin to stop thinking them and can more easily reprogram the feelings about yourself. We have the power to change our beliefs and thoughts, which is a powerful mechanism when it comes to feeling sexy and confident as the woman you are today.


The second part of this equation is to censor negative judgments and criticisms of others.


As a culture, we seem to tolerate and even find humor in shaming other women about their appearance, their habits and the way that they do things (ranging from criticizing a woman’s driving to the way she raises her children). The areas that we are quick to criticize and judge others are usually areas where we feel vulnerable ourselves. We use this as a way to make ourselves feel better, however doing so only feeds our insecurities and feelings of unworthiness.


The judgments we make of ourselves and others can manifest in less obvious ways that you may not be aware of. It’s important to recognize the various things we do that feed our insecurities in order to deconstruct our core issues and foster self-love, while promoting a culture that no longer considers it acceptable to put other women down.


Here are 5 less obvious habits that we have, which prevent us from cultivating self-love… read the rest here>>>


Do you partake in any of these bad habits? Are you going to commit to going 1 week without sabotaging your confidence? Tell me in the comments!


Be Smashing!
