Find a Certified Body Image Coach to work with
Providers listed below have been certified through the Body Image Coach Certification program. Each provider is responsible for operating within their profession's code of ethics and scope of practice. We encourage you to contact a provider to enquire about how their experience and how they might best support you before working with them to ensure a good fit.
Seattle United States
Website: https://www.mindfulnutritionseattle.com/
Florida USA
Website: https://www.terribaileychats.com/
Salem Oregon USA
Website: https://www.amandabirkheadnutrition.com/
License Clincal Mental Health Counselor & Transformational Coach
Ms. Accountability Transformational Group, LLC
Charlotte United States
Website: www.msaccountabilityguru.com
Bronx USA
Website: https://www.sunflowerstrategists.com/
Philadelphia United States
Website: www.ChristineDeFilippis.com
Dundalk United States
Website: shrinklesscoaching.wordpress.com
Barrie Canada
Website: www.kerrifullerton.com
Kankakee United States
Website: https://emily-lavoie.com
Waukesha United States
Work Email: melissa@empowermentwithinllc.com
Albuquerque United States
Website: Confidenceandmagic.com
Aosta Italy
Website: www.liveflow.it
Red Deer Canada
Website: https://www.embodytherapygroup.com/
Gold Coast Australia
Website: https://www.instagram.com/ellentuzihealth
Ciudad de México México
Website: http://www.nutricionquelibera.com
Tranås Sweden
Website: www.kroppsfred.se