Summer Innanen

Body Confidence

You're In! (Cue Air Guitar)

You’re officially part of the diet rebel entourage. You’ll receive the Body Confidence Makeover email confirmation in just a moment (please check your spam folder as it can end up there!).


You're invited to join me for my FREE "Body Acceptance Masterclass" STARTING SOON!

Find out the EXACT steps you need to take to accept your body and rest easy feeling more confident in who you are.

Learn the 5-Step Framework to help you quit hating your body and feel comfortable in your own skin.

You will get a replay if you can't show up live.

You know dieting is not the answer and you’re sick of constantly beating yourself up. It’s time to BELIEVE you are good enough regardless of your size (because you are).

During this free masterclass, you'll learn

  • The 3 biggest mistakes everybody makes when doing body acceptance work (and why they keep you stuck feeling bad about your body)


  • The number one reason we’re harsh on our bodies (and what to do about it)


  • My 5-Part Framework for radically changing the way you feel about yourself and believing you are good enough regardless of your body size


  • Why it is possible for YOU (yes, YOU) to accept your body and feel more confident in who you are


Plus, you'll also be given details on what the
You, On Fire
coaching program is all about.

Are you in?!?!

You will get a replay if you can't show up live!

Copyright © 2021 Summer Innanen, CNP, BBA | Body Image Coach. All rights reserved. | Disclaimer